Tag Archives: GRNW meetup

drive-by update before GRNW

Conference starts in four hours. I am in my pajamas with a cat pinning my good arm, wondering what the hell I’m going to wear. I still need to trim down my reading selection to actually fit the length limit. I haven’t reviewed the notes for the diversity panel nearly as thoroughly as I should. Panic is waiting around for me to get to it.

Tonight, though, I will be reading porn aloud in a room full of inebriated people. This is the best profession.

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Filed under word factory

WOULD it smell as sweet?

A quick note before I get to whining — the Gay Romance Northwest Meet-Up that I’ll be attending in September is now open for registration! There are quite a few fabulous authors on the list and it looks like it’s going to be a fun, low-key event, so if you’re in Seattle or close enough to make the trip check it out!

And now the fussing part: why does it never get easier to name characters? You’d think it would get easier with practice, like any reasonable sort of skill. But no. Here I am staring at an outline and trying to figure out the second main character’s name. It needs to fit the culture he belongs to, it needs to sound plausible in conjunction with the other guy’s name, because it’s for a romance audience it needs to sound like it belongs to a hot dude, and yet ideally it won’t be one of those names that gets used constantly in the genre….

I wonder how long I can get away with just using a placeholder.

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Filed under word factory

September meetup; free short story

Two quickies!

First: there’s going to be a Gay Romance Northwest Meetup on September 14 right here in Seattle! I’m so excited. My finances haven’t allowed me to travel for any of the cons happening elsewhere in the country this year, but at least I’ll be able to get my feet wet at a smaller event in my home town. I’m already nervous about meeting some of the fabulous authors who are planning to attend. It’ll be a good thing, right?


neverseelight I wrote this f/f vampire short last winter as part of the Hurricane Sandy charity auction organized by MJ O’Shea and Piper Vaughn. Now I have finally gotten off my butt and added it to Smashwords, where it is free in multiple formats. This was also a good reason to create a “Free Reads” page on my site, which will come in handy once my Love Has No Boundaries story is ready to go public, too.

That’s all the news for now, though, because the weather is goddamn beautiful this weekend and I need to go outside.

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Filed under my books, word factory